Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Human Body Required: Inspiration

Brittany Trubridge photographed by Ilona Dubuske

Brittany Trubridge
I feel like the outfits in all of the above photographs could be remade using paper.

Heather Hansen - Emptied Gestures

Niko Inko

This is a project I constructed for my 2D class. I continued the pattern on my pants by creating it out of construction paper and taping it to my shirt, then I used make up to repeat the pattern on my neck.

My teacher posted this video on her Pintrest for Human Body Required.
It reminded me of this video.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Chunky horse, model horse, observational horse.
Chunky horse is chosen for sacrifice.
Step 1. (Subtraction 1) Remove tail, neck, and head.
Step 2. Cut up torso and legs into chunks.
Step 3. (Addition 1) Cover in white wax.
The burning of a white candle purifies things.
This gets gross.
Step 4. (Addition 2) Espresso.
Step 5. (Addition 3) Add soap shavings.
Step 6. (Subtraction 2) Drain the espresso.

Step 7. Chill.
(it kind of looks like the ice cream at this point)
Step 8. Cut into pieces.
Step 9. (Addition 4) Skewer peices with wire.
Step 10. (Subtraction 3) Remove little excess peices and any remaining espresso.
Step 11. (Addition 5) Put tail, neck and head in center.
Step 12. (Addition 6) Drip on black wax.

Still looks gross. Black wax only made it worse.
Step 13. (Subtraction 4) Take away some black wax.
Step 14. (Addition 7) Blue wax to make it look nicer.
Step 15. (Addition 8) Place entire candle ontop and let it melt down.
(this is in order to have and 8th addition because 7 is an unlucky number)
(and because this burning of blue candles brings about wisdom, which this sculpture needs because it litterally looks like horse shit at this point)
Final product.
My horse eats blue hay.

3 Drawings


Wednesday, March 5, 2014



3 Drawings


Short Story

(in progress)

The Veldt

This powerful story shows some of the possible negative side effects of taking technology too far.
When I envisioned the room, I pictured its natural shape to be a dome instead of flat walls, this curved shape would make more sense if the landscape scenes were meant to appear real. The "room" is made from pieces of paper cut to various shapes and sizes. Some of the pieces are colored blue-green and are taped over, to represent the room in a calm state that is still behaving the way it is meant to. The color choice for this came from the scene in the story where the room takes the form of the country from the book Green Mansions. It is interesting that the author chose to use the imagery from Green Mansions; although most of the book is pleasant, its ending is ultimately as tragic as The Veldt's. For the majority of the inner pieces of the "room", they are colored an intense variety of reds oranges and yellows and are not taped over, to represent the veldt breaking free from the rest of the house and ultimately from the control of the parents. The outside of the "room" is covered in clear tape and coated with white paint, representing the sleek modern look of the rest of the house. There are blue-green, taped covered spokes stabbing through the entire structure. These show how even when it was in a calm state, the room was constantly piercing through the rest of the house and the family's life. It shows how the room controlled the family's life by controlling the children.


3 Drawings