People often comment on how small I am. Usually though, they don't realize my size untill they are standing right next to me. The funny thing is that I don't feel small at all. In fact, I percieve myself to be generally bigger than the majority of people I come into contact with. I guess it's a Napoleon complex.
"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience."
My mom always called me a pack rat when I was little. What she didn't realize was the reason I kept everything. If I got rid of an object it was like getting rid of an entire memory. Sure, I could still recall the general happenings of an event, but if I have a tangible object from it I am better able to recall much more detail and sensory facts about the event.
"The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three-dimensiona; into the miniature, which can be enveloped by the body."
Sometimes events happen that are to overwhelming for us to completely grasp. Having something small and tangible to hold onto can help one understand. If you are abused, for example, it helps to write a letter to your abuser. This letter is small and helps you come to terms with what has happened. It helps you see what everyone else sees. And in the end, you can keep the letter, you can mail it, you can burn it, or you can just throw it away. What ever works for you.
"Nostalgia cannot be sustained without loss."
"To have a souvenir of the exotic is to posses both a specimen and a trophy."
Exotic: very different, stange, or unusual
Specimen: something collected as an example of a particular kind of thing; a small amount or peice of something that can be tested or examined; a noteable example of something
Trophy: an object that is given as a prize for winning a competition; something that you keep or take to show that you were successful in hunting, war, etc.
A speicmen and trophy seem like very different things, but can be viewed as one in the same. A specimen is a small piece of something bigger, like a trophy is a small part of an even bigger event. What acctually matters, the small thing you are able to bring home and show off, or the larger thing it represents or comes from?
"The place of origin must remain unavailable in order for desire to be generated."
You want what you cannot have. If you've had it, you never really realize you want it untill it's lost. This is part of human nature.
(Work in Process)
3 Drawings